Tina Johnson - Dog Lover

Last week, I had the wonderful opportunity to interview my good friend and dog-loving expert, Tina Johnson.  Tina has owned many dogs over the course of her life, and has absolutely loved every single one of them.  She agreed to join me and answer a few questions about her experience with dogs.  Here’s what she had to say:

What first got you so interested in dogs?

“Growing up my family always had a dog at home, often times two or three at a time! I think it helped that we have had dogs of all sizes too, so I was never the kid that would be scared of the big dogs or the loud yapping dogs.  My parents just instilled that loving trait towards all animals in me from an early age.”

Do you have a favorite dog that you’ve owned?

“While I definitely have loved all of my dogs and they all have the best qualities, if I had to pick a favorite I would say it would be my Golden Retriever from my childhood days, Barry.  He had the sweetest temperament of any dog but would gladly run around and play whenever.  He was wonderful with kids and there was not a single soul that met him who didn’t like him right off the bat!”

Do you have any advice for first time dog owners?

“Definitely make sure you have done your research on the type of breed you are hoping to get and the amount of work involved with caring for them.  Understand that it takes a lot of time to care for a dog, and you need to make sure that your lifestyle can be adjusted to give your new family member the attention they need and deserve.  Nothing breaks my heart more than seeing a dog that hasn’t been cared for properly because the owner just didn’t take the time!”

Thank you, Tina, for allowing me to ask you a few questions and for giving great advice to anyone looking to own their first pup!


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