Quirky Kitties

How many times have you walked into a room and caught your kitty cat doing something strange? I'm sure you can't count that number on your fingers! I myself don't own a cat, but have many friends that do and have experienced some of these quirks myself. While these quirks may just seem like weird random things your cat does just because, some of them actually have some reasoning behind them. Have you ever heard your cat making a strange clucking sound when a bird flies by the window? Turns out, this helps a cat loosen up its jaw muscles to be able to catch its prey. So I'd probably stay away from owning a bird and a cat at the same time! If you have an outdoor cat, I'm sure you've had your furry friend bring you a little "present" every now and then. While it may just gross you out when your cat drops a dead mouse at your feet, they actually are only trying to help you! Feral cats tend to share their prey if they have more than what they themselves need, so if your cat keeps bringing you its extra food, maybe it just thinks that you need some help too. How about all of the random, small spaces that you find your cat sleeping in? Those cardboard boxes, shopping bags, and bathroom sinks can't be that comfortable. In the wild, however, cats stay in small spaces to sleep and hide away from predators, since being out in an open field would make them very vulnerable. So when your furry friend is taking a quick catnap in your empty Amazon box, they probably are just trying to have a nice, unbothered snooze.

For all of you cat-lovers out there, check out my Playful Kittens Cap in my online store!


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