How to Crate Train Your Dog

Everyone loves getting a new furry friend added to the family, but then the worry sets in when it's time for the human family members to go somewhere. Can they trust their puppy to not tear the house apart while they're gone? Maybe eventually, but probably not right away. That's where crate training comes in handy. Crates can be a great place for your pup to relax, sleep, and stay safe while you're away from home (not to mention keeping your carpet and furniture safe). Not sure how to crate train your do? Never fear, I have some great tips for you! First off, make sure you have a well ventilated crate that is large enough for your dog to stand, turn, and lie down. Placing blankets or padding and a few toys help to make the crate a welcoming environment for your puppy. You want your furry friend to be comfortable while you're gone! Be sure to use lots of praise when crate training your pup. Use a key word such as "kennel" or "house" and when your dog listens and enters their crate, tell them what a good boy/girl they are and give them a treat. Eventually your dog will associate their kennel with praise and gladly go in whenever they are told. Many vets recommend crate training your dog as a puppy, and no, it's not a cruel thing to do! Crate training your pup gives them a little safe haven away whenever they want to relax or be on their own. Be sure to never leave your dog in the crate for a whole day, and never associate the crate with punishment. If you keep the aura around the crate positive, your dog will see it that way too!


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